Ebook Transformer: The Complete Lou Reed Story, by Victor Bockris
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Transformer: The Complete Lou Reed Story, by Victor Bockris

Ebook Transformer: The Complete Lou Reed Story, by Victor Bockris
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‘A triumph’ - Time Out
Transformer is the only complete and comprehensive telling of the Lou Reed story.
Legendary songwriter and guitarist Lou Reed passed away on the 27th October 2013, but his musical influence is assured. Now discover the true story of the Velvet Underground pioneer in this update of Bockris’s classic biography.
Transformer: The Complete Lou Reed Story follows the great songwriter and singer through the series of transformations that define each period of his fifty year career. It opens with the teenage electroshock treatments that dominated his memories of childhood and never stops revealing layer after layer of this complex and often anguished artist and man. Transformer is based on Lou’s collaborations with the hardest and most romantic artists of his times, from John Cale, Andy Warhol, and Nico, through David Bowie, Robert Wilson, Laurie Anderson and the ghost of Edgar Alan Poe. Rippling underneath everything he did are Lou’s relationships with his various muses, from his college sweetheart to his three wives (and one drag queen).
Leading Lou Reed biographer, Victor Bockris - who knew Lou throughout the Rachel Years, from Rock ‘n’ Roll Animal to the Bells - updates his original biography in the wake of Lou’s death. Through new interviews and photos, he reveals the many transformations of this larger-than-life character, including his final shift from Rock Monster to the Prince Charming he had always wanted to be in the twenty years he spent with the love of his life, Laurie Anderson . Except with Lou, you could never really know what might happen next…
Including previously unseen photographs and contributions from Lou’s innermost circle and collaborators that include similarly esteemed artists such as Andy Warhol and David Bowie, Transformer is as captivating and vivid a read as befits an American master.
- Sales Rank: #400736 in Books
- Published on: 2014-10-23
- Released on: 2014-10-21
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 7.75" h x 5.25" w x 1.25" l, .0 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 560 pages
“Bockris’s new work is instantly recognizable as the heavyweight psychological powerplay Lou Reed’s legend deserves…Reed is effectively pinned like a butterfly” – Q Magazine
“Transformer depicts the singer’s life as a series of death-defying second acts” – New York Times Book Review
“A very readable portrait…Blending informed biographical narrative with abundant quotes and a dishy, conversational style, Bockris captures the many moods – and mood swings – of a true rock and roll chameleon” – Entertainment Weekly
“Transformer is an even more staggering brief than Wired (about John Belushi)” – Spin
“Bockris provides insight into the private life that led Reed to create many of rock’s memorable songs, including “Heroin” and “Walk on the Wild Side” – Publishers Weekly
“One of the funniest and most memorable time-lined rock documents around” – Philadelphia City Paper
About the Author
Victor Bockris has written a dozen books which form a mythology for the counterculture. His biographies of Andy Warhol, Keith Richards and Lou Reed made his name as the Poet Laureate of the New York Underground. His most recent books are: The Burroughs-Warhol Affair; and Burroughs Reloaded (photographs). The updated Transformer: The Lou Reed Story focuses on Reed’s relationship and marriage to the leading performance artist of our times Laurie Anderson. It celebrates the deep influence these two artists had on each others work during the last 20 years of Lou Reed’s life. Lou and Laurie both produced some of the greatest work they had ever done during this period
Most helpful customer reviews
18 of 20 people found the following review helpful.
FICTION (based on a true story)
By Charles Miller
The author clearly dislikes Lou Reed and paints him in a very bad light. That's fine. From what I've read over the years, Lou Reed was not the nicest person in the world. That said, Brokris relentlessly compares Reed to reptiles within the covers of his book and frequently utilizes other similar and ridiculous similes. Was that necessary to make your point, Victor? There are ways of portraying an unsympathetic character without name-calling, which this book too frequently relies upon. Oh, so Lou Reed is "lizard-like" eh? He must be a bad man.
On my "favorite" page, Bockris states in December of 1971, Reed was a "chubby 30-something" and later on that same page, "fat" ...hmmm... for starters, Reed was 29-years-old in 1971 and photographs from that time indicate he was as thin as ever, still taking "Vitamin M" (methamphetamine). There is no such thing as a chubby speed-freak. Actually, there is so much made-up crap in this book that if there are indeed some actual facts included, one would never know. You cannot trust a word. Even if Bokris was right (which he most definitely is not), what does Reed's age and weight have to do with his music?
And it gets worse... made up quotes abound within the covers of this book. Bockris frequently puts quotes around statements supposedly made throughout Lou Reed's career. Thing is, how would he know what was said behind closed doors between Reed and his friends and acquaintances at Syracuse University in 1962? How can you quote a college friend when said friend died long before this book was written? Certainly, Reed himself did not provide Bockris with these lines. Needless to say, all of the quotes further paint Reed in a bad light, but since the sources are not given, one can only conclude these were made up by Bockris to further his agenda of discrediting Lou Reed.
There are also other numerous inaccuracies. One of countless examples is with regards to the Scepter version of the first Velvet Underground album, which Bockris states was the exact same version that was eventually released on Verve records. Such wasn't the case (the alternate versions have been released, Victor... did you even bother to listen?), but Bockris doesn't seem to care too much about getting it right. Instead, this book is nothing more than an attempt to sensationalize Lou Reed's career and if facts get in the way, he makes up his own. FYI... the Scepter version of The Velvet Underground and Nico album had multiple alternate takes and mixes, but why bother doing the research, right, Mr. Bockris? Obviously he never heard the Scepter version, so why he did comment on it when he had no idea?
Yet another complaint: This book gives an uninformed reader the impression that Lou Reed was a pretty talentless individual overall. The first two Velvet Underground albums were only good because of the collaboration with John Cale... the second two because of manager, Steve Sesnick... Transformer because of David Bowie... Rock N Roll Animal because of Steve Hunter... ad nauseum. Seriously Victor?! It never crossed your mind that these famous albums had something else in common that had nothing to do with collaborators? They were all Lou Reed albums.
I was going to give this trash 2 stars because it is fun to read. Victor Bockris is a fine fiction writer. The name-calling, totally made-up quotes and numerous inaccuracies makes Transformer nothing more than a fiction. So I almost gave it 2 stars for entertainment value, but couldn't in the end because the lies (one or more per page x 400+ pages) are just too numerous to justify it. This is truly an awful book. Unfortunately, some of the previous reviewers took it seriously.
Also unfortunate is the fact that there is not so much as one recent, detailed and unbiased account of Lou Reed's career available. Most, including this garbage, date to the 1990s and none really seem to get it right. That even includes the ones that gush over Reed, heaping praise and hiding the warts. That's not good journalism either. There's a new book entitled "Lou Reed: The Life" published 2 months after his death which indicates the thing was an apparent rush job to capitalize on Reed's recent death. Perhaps someday someone will pen a fair and comprehensive title regarding what was perhaps the most important musical career of the 20th century.
7 of 8 people found the following review helpful.
It's a book about Hilter or... Lou Reed ?
By Kasper&theghost
Do yourself a favor, don't read this trash. Hopefully someone with talent writes a real book about Lou Reed one day, but this book is as biased as Fox News. The only reason I read the book is because I love Lou Reed, Don't make the same mistake.
The Author says nothing positive about Reed as a person. Lou is jealous, insecure, nervous, envious, abusive to everyone, evil and every bad thing you could think of someone. While praising John Cale and Laurie Anderson every page. And states many times how Lou Reed is only successful because of his collaborations working with talented people. Anyone who reads this book will think Lou Reed is a ungrateful P.O.S. I'm sure Mr. Reed was no saint. But authors bias kills any of his creditably
The book is a complete mess, jumping around from year to year with opinions and quotes. Most of the time I have no idea who's being quoted or who's giving opinion. This book is beyond flawed. It's so flawed and random, it becomes funny a lot of time (unintentionally funny). It's similar of Dave Chappelle's version of Rick James (Way over the time). Don't believe me, read it.
The only real envy I see is from the Author Victor Blah, a no talent hack who hung around people with talent.
4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Bockris' Velvet Cottage Industry Continues
By Robert M. Joseph
Bockris has had his little Factory, Warhol, Velvet Underground and Lou Reed cottage industry for some years now, I'm deliberately leaving out the Keith Richards book because... Well it's just not very good. Bockris was a second tier Factory insider who probably traded based on his good looks and charm. I met him after a Lou Reed concert about 15 years ago and he has an aura of being "someone", sadly he didn't have much to say. I'll read anything about Lou Reed and not since the Dogget book has there been such a detailed overview of Lou's career. Bockris goes deeper into Lou the man, but the text reeks of dishonesty, repitition and out and out plaigerism. This is the perk of writing about a dead man- he can't answer back. All in all there's some good new info in here and Bockris is easy to read, the question is, like another review stated- how much of this is actually true?
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