Kamis, 30 Juli 2015

? Ebook Download Born into the Children of God: My life in a religious sex cult and my struggle for survival on the outside, by Natacha Tormey

Ebook Download Born into the Children of God: My life in a religious sex cult and my struggle for survival on the outside, by Natacha Tormey

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Born into the Children of God: My life in a religious sex cult and my struggle for survival on the outside, by Natacha Tormey

Born into the Children of God: My life in a religious sex cult and my struggle for survival on the outside, by Natacha Tormey

Born into the Children of God: My life in a religious sex cult and my struggle for survival on the outside, by Natacha Tormey

Ebook Download Born into the Children of God: My life in a religious sex cult and my struggle for survival on the outside, by Natacha Tormey

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Born into the Children of God: My life in a religious sex cult and my struggle for survival on the outside, by Natacha Tormey

Natacha Tormey was born into the infamous religious cult known as The Children of God. Abused, exploited, and brainwashed by ‘The Family’, Natacha’s childhood was stolen.

Born to French hippy parents attracted to the religious movement by the unusual mix of evangelical Christianity, free love and rejection of the mainstream, from an early age Natacha was brainwashed to believe she had a special destiny – that she was part of an elite children’s army bestowed with superpowers that would one day save the world from the Anti-Christ.

Torn away from their parents, Natacha and her siblings were beaten on a daily basis and forced to sing and dance for entertainment in prisons and malls. Natacha never expected to live to adulthood.

At the age of 18 Natacha escaped, but quickly found herself hurtling through a world she had no understanding of. Alone, and grappling to come to terms with an unbelievable sense of betrayal, she was stuck in a kind of limbo – confused and unable to feel part of either way of life.

Natacha is one of the lucky ones; not all of her family survived the battle to shed the shame and pain of their past. To date over 40 ex-Children of God members of Natacha’s generation have committed suicide.

All Natacha ever wanted was to feel normal, but escaping the cult was only the beginning. Shocking, moving, but ultimately inspiring, this is Natacha’s full story; it is both a personal tale of trauma and recovery, and an exposé of the secret world of abuse hidden behind commune walls.

  • Sales Rank: #983902 in Books
  • Published on: 2014-07-03
  • Released on: 2014-10-28
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 7.60" h x .90" w x 5.10" l, .59 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 320 pages

About the Author

Natacha Tormey is 29 years old. She was born into The Children of God cult (also known as The Family International or The Family) and grew up in a variety of communes across South East Asia, East Africa and Europe. Her French-born hippy parents joined the cult in their youth, going on to marry and raise 13 children within it.

Natacha finally escaped at the age of 18. Against all odds she has survived and thrived. Today she works as a Human Resources manager, is happily married and lives near London.

Natacha is writing her story under her real name.

Natacha’s co-author Nadene Ghouri is a bestselling author and award-winning journalist and broadcaster.

Most helpful customer reviews

31 of 32 people found the following review helpful.
By Lionne
As I read this book, I became more and more enraged. Natacha Tormey was not a naïve person who joined this pernicious cult, as were her parents. She was born into it. She had no choice in the matter. She relates how the so-called Children of God, nowadays sanitized (following scandal) and renamed The Family International, routinely separated children from their parents, abused them physically, cut them off from the outside world and filled their impressionable heads with dangerous and frightening nonsense. People outside the cult were Antichrists; Armageddon was near; members would be required to fight a tremendous battle in the End Times and would then go to a glorious heaven. Members of the cult were obliged to live in penury and to collect money, nearly all of which went straight to the man at the top, the nebulous Grandpa or King David, while children survived in hunger and poverty and without proper medical care in military-style closed communities. Moreover, the cult practised nothing short of prostitution, so-called “flirty fishing”, whereby women would extract money from unsuspecting men, lure them into the cult and produce still more babies to swell their numbers. We learn how couples engaged in sex in the presence of children and children were sexually abused by adults. Tormey describes the psychological damage that these appalling practices did to her, and also to her siblings. Her extraordinarily irresponsible parents had twelve children (if I have not miscounted), not all of whom survived and not all of whom escaped. And all this was done in God’s name.

Tormey has forgiven her parents. She is a brave woman. What can have possessed them to join such a sect, or, having joined, to remain in it? And how is it that cults like this can grow and take root internationally? The power of brainwashing on lonely, naïve, unthinking individuals searching for a direction in life should never be underestimated, and there will always be cynical “leaders” who will exploit them. But to be born into such circumstances leaves scars for life on those who would never, given the choice, have wished to live in such a hell on earth. It is a relief to learn that Natacha Tormey did finally escape and is living a different life as best she can. But how many others are still physically or mentally imprisoned? Many have already committed suicide.

With the help of Nadene Ghouri, this book has been written in a vivid and lively style that carries the reader forward quickly with growing horror. While it shocked me, it did not come as a complete surprise, as I had done some research into the cult a number of years ago when its members were very active in Paris, presenting themselves to the public as smiling young Christians, brimming with love and sincerity.

It needed to be written. I hope it will have the success that it deserves.

22 of 22 people found the following review helpful.
Being a good and proper Catholic school girl
By Bunny
I've read quite a few books about growing up in a religious cult. I remember being very (very very) young and reading a book about a girl who grew up in a Satanic cult. Being a good and proper Catholic school girl, I was horrified. (Leading one to wonder, how did I get my hands on that book in the first place?)

There is nothing like reading books about extremist cults to make me rethink my unhappiness about growing up brainwashed by Catholicism. Let's face it, I had it REALLY EASY.

Natacha's story is beyond horrifying. This is one of those stories where you don't want to keep reading, you don't want to know what future horrors lay in store, but you can't stop because it is so engrossing. I was really not looking forward to her final escape from The Family, because I knew how hard it was going to be for her to adapt to the outside world.

Depression is a common theme in any book about escaping from an extreme religion (or religion, in general). Her story isn't unique in that aspect, but that makes it no less heart breaking. Jumping into bad relationships, putting up with the same kind of abuse she was raised thinking was acceptable. Trying to survive in a strange place, with people who could never know, and would never understand, her story.

I had heard vaguely of this cult, but I had no idea they were still operating, and that is perhaps the most shocking thing of the whole book. One would hope that in the modern age, the rules and criminal activities have slacked off, but knowing the same woman is in charge, it's enough to make your heart stop for a moment.

I don't know if I could recommend this book, because it is so heart wrenching. But it's a really good read if you can handle it.

20 of 21 people found the following review helpful.
a stolen childhood
By She Treads Softly
Born into the Children of God by Natacha Tormey is a highly recommended account of growing up in a cult and, even more importantly, surviving her childhood.

While her parents were young hippies when they joined the cult in France, Natacha Tormey misfortune was that she had no choice or say. She was born into the Children of God cult, also known as The Family. During her childhood, she lived in a variety of communes across South East Asia, East Africa and Europe. All of the situations she found herself in and the abuse she experienced were inflicted upon her in the name of the cult. Her childhood was stolen from her. The beliefs espoused by The Family and their leader known as King David or Grandpa are nonsensical and downright horrific.

The women in the cult were told they had to go out and practice "‘flirty fishing’ (or FF’ing), where female followers were told to go to bars and pick men up for sex with the intent of either converting them to the cause or bringing in a financial donation. FF’ers were told they were ‘God’s whores’. Posters with instructions on how to be a ‘good flirty little fishy’ were distributed." If that isn't misogynistic enough, Tormey continues later, "Grandpa also decreed that more Jesus babies should be born, and this is why he invented flirty fishing – so that God could bless us all with lots of babies. She said that within our family there were at least 300 other Jesus babies who had come to us through FF’ing."

We learn that "Grandpa David tells us there is no such thing as rape if we follow the true laws of nature. A woman of the Bible should submit willingly to a man and satisfy him. God created sex and he created a man’s need for sex. He created woman to serve a man’s need. Heaven’s Girl [a comic book showing a gang rape scene] is using this God-given opportunity to share the love of Jesus with these soldiers. She is going to love them so much that she will turn them back to the path of Jesus. She shares her love with a big smile and a song in her heart like all good girls should. Isn’t that a beautiful thing?"

So in an environment where women are slaves and sexual objects to be used, naturally it follows suit that not only were the children hit or beaten daily, with fists, fly-swats, poles and planks, they were also sexually abused. If this abuse was ever mentioned it would all fall back on the child who would be blamed for lying about the adults in question. It is sickening that many of the adults seemed to actually enjoy beating the children, let alone abusing them.

She escapes from the cult, but like many survivors of childhood abuse, that is the first of many small steps that must be taken toward recovery. She may have left the cult, but she finds herself trying to survive in a world that she knows little about and has no experience navigating.

Tormey's story is presented in a chronological manner, taking us through her childhood into adulthood. This is one of those books that is hard to read. You will find yourself getting angry that this abuse was allowed to take place and her parents, who should have been protecting her, were seemingly incapable of doing so. Ultimately it is worthwhile to know that The Family still exists and they are still abusing children. It certainly took bravery and fortitude for her to stand up and say publicly what happened to her and others at the hands of adults.

Disclosure: My Kindle edition was courtesy of HarperCollins for review purposes.

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About the Author
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Selasa, 28 Juli 2015

~ Ebook No Place For A Lady, by Gill Paul

Ebook No Place For A Lady, by Gill Paul

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No Place For A Lady, by Gill Paul

No Place For A Lady, by Gill Paul

No Place For A Lady, by Gill Paul

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No Place For A Lady, by Gill Paul


1854. Britain is fighting a gruesome war.

There has been no news of Lucy Gray since she eloped with handsome and impetuous Captain Charlie Harvington and embarked with him to the Crimea.

Dorothea Gray will risk anything to heal the rift with her little sister and bring her home safe. She determines to join Florence Nightingale and the other courageous women travelling to the battlefield hospitals as nurses.

She will not rest until she finds her sister.

Lucy, however, is on a very different journey, a journey through tragedy, trauma and true love.

But neither sister is prepared for the challenges they will face, the passion they will each taste and the simple fact that they might never see one another again …

A spellbinding and exquisite tale of courage, adventure and love. Prepare to be swept of your feet!

  • Sales Rank: #2744388 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-07-02
  • Format: International Edition
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 5.24" h x 1.10" w x 7.76" l, .64 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 400 pages


‘A marvellous moving adventure, full of vivid colour and atmospheric detail. If you loved POLDARK you’ll love this!’ Lulu Taylor

‘Like VANITY FAIR crossed with POLDARK… Stunning epic’ Claudia Carroll

‘A terrific adventure story, full of romance and atmospheric detail – a great escapist read’ Liz Trenow

‘No Place for a Lady is a gripping historical read about two sisters caught up in the Crimean War: one a young bride following her soldier husband, the other her sister who signs up as a nurse to try and rescue her sister. It's a story of love, both romantic and sibling, against a backdrop of a vividly created historical setting, with an ending which is at once uplifting and heartbreaking I couldn't put it down.’ Julia Williams

‘A galloping good story’ Natasha McEnroe, director of the FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE MUSEUM

About the Author
Gill Paul is a full-time writer of both fiction and non-fiction. She wrote TITANIC LOVE STORIES, based on the true stories of couple honeymooning on THE TITANIC, as well as two acclaimed works of fiction, WOMEN AND CHILDREN FIRST and THE AFFAIR. Her much anticipated new novel NO PLACE FOR A LADY, set against the backdrop of the Crimean War and among the women who served under Florence Nightingale, is coming in summer 2015.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Novel set in the Turkish Territories (Turkey during the Crimean War)
By TripFiction
A captivating book that blends personal relationships with the horrors of the war in Crimea in the 1850s.

I came across Gill’s work when I read The Affair set in Rome which builds the story behind the Burton-Taylor burgeoning romance in the 1960s. Such a readable style that vividly evokes the period, and again in this book Gill has achieved a carefully crafted story of human encounters and endurance in a well researched historical setting.

Lucy is a headstrong young woman who determines to marry Lucky Charlie so that she can accompany him to the battle front in Crimea. This for me was a first, that women could accompany their husbands and live in the camps from which the military offensives were planned and executed. A really astounding fact.

In order to do this, Lucy estranges herself from her sister Dorothea, who feels that she is far too young to know her own mind and really understand her impulse for marriage. And off she sails with her husband to the front. There are other army wives who take her under her wing and show her the ropes, but it is nevertheless a life unimaginable in the staid sitting rooms of Russell Square in London of the mid 19th century, let alone present day.

As the war builds up, the conditions deteriorate and the fear for everyone in the camps becomes overwhelming. It truly is a “godforsaken war”, The lack of support and resources for the armed forces is quite shocking and even under the auspices of Florence Nightingale, the troops are losing their numbers in droves. But resourcefulness is the hallmark of those over there, from soaking blisters in strong tea, or using arrowroot mixed with alcohol to lighten the mood of the terminally wounded, right down to a prolific use of mustard in the care of wounds and afflictions. And imagine the phenomenon of the “lady tourists” who shipped themselves out to the area to view the battle sites…

Meanwhile back in London Dorothea sorely regrets the terms on which Lucy left and as a nurse is determined to go and support the war effort and try and locate her sister.

This is an effortless read, that captures the feel of a raging and ill-planned war, and the mores of society of the mid 19th century and although the way in which Lucy’s life pans out might feel a touch fanciful, it is engrossing. Recommended.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Review: 'No Place for a Lady' by Gill Paul
By Jody - "A Spoonful of Happy Endings"
‘No Place For a Lady’ is set in England in 1854, the time of the Crimean War, and focuses on two sisters from London, Lucy and Dorothea Gray. Lucy is still young but when she falls head over heels in love with handsome officer Charlie Harvington, she decides to get married straight away and follow her new husband to the war front in the Crimea. Lucy’s older sister Dorothea is against the hasty marriage and tries to warn her sibling about life in a foreign country and on the battlefield, but nothing can stop Lucy. Dorothea tries to focus on her work as a volunteer nurse in Westminster Hospital, but she can’t stop worrying about her younger sister. When the opportunity arises for her to serve her country by working as a nurse at the warfront, Dorothea knows she has to take this opportunity. Not only so she can work alongside her own personal heroine Florence Nightingale, but also to hopefully track down Lucy before it’s too late.

I can’t believe it took me this long to pick up one of Gill Paul’s historical novels, and after having read ‘No Place For a Lady’ I can say with certainty that it definitely won’t take as long before I sit down with one of her other novels; what a wonderful and captivating read this was! The combination of the intriguing time period and place in which the novel is set (both England and the Crimea during the Crimean War around the 1850s) and the author’s engaging and detailed writing style resulted in a read which I really looked forward to picking up and getting lost in. The storyline immediately spoke to me with a focus on two sisters who are separated during the war, and since the story is told from both Lucy’s and Dorothea’s perspective I really felt like I got to know both characters and got the chance to look at the events in this historical period from different points of view.

Lucy and Dorothea are great main characters; really different and each with her own story to share. Lucy is the young and hopeless romantic one, who is willing to leave everything behind, including her family, to go to the warfront with the man she loves. Dorothea is the older, more thoughtful and worrying, sister and also the character I personally liked best. Both women are forced to be strong and find their own way in life, and I really enjoyed being taken on this journey with them. Author Gill Paul really has her own voice; one filled with a lot of detail (I honestly felt like I learned a lot while reading this book) which made it easy to picture everything, but also its own distinctive style. I loved jumping back in time and joining these characters during this fascinating period in the past and can’t wait to pick up another one of Gill Paul’s novels to travel back to another historical event. Overall, ‘No Place For a Lady’ is a wonderfully captivating and intense historical novel; a book that held me in its grips from the very beginning and quite simply couldn’t get enough of!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
War and Mayhem
By Queen of Books
When I first started reading this by an unknown author, I was thoroughly engaged with the characters. You felt so much for how one's point of view can change people. Like how at the beginning, Lucy Harvington was a very innocent woman who wanted her own way in things. She was in love with her handsome suitor Charlie. He is an Officer with the horse guards and wants Lucy for his wife. But Lucy's sister Dorothea Gray forbids her to do this because she's so young. Wait til the war is over in the Crimea and then decide. But Lucy thinks her sister is against her and marries anyway.
Lucy and Charlie wind up in a very dangerous situation with hardships of cold, no food and battles surround them. You feel for the young and desperate Lucy when things go from bad to worse. People dying right and left with no doctors and no supplies.
Florence Nightingale has become a renown person pertaining to health matters and sends nurses out to the Crimea to help the war effort.
Dorothea is determined to become a nurse with the women going to help, and also to find her sister Lucy. Oh, the horrors of war and how can one survive during such carnage? Can Lucy and her sister be reunited? Please read this because it's very interesting til the very end.
I appreciate Net Galley for giving me this book to read and review.

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~ Ebook No Place For A Lady, by Gill Paul Doc

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~ Ebook No Place For A Lady, by Gill Paul Doc

Jumat, 17 Juli 2015

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A Girl's Best Friend, by Lindsey Kelk

A Girl's Best Friend, by Lindsey Kelk

A Girl's Best Friend, by Lindsey Kelk

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A Girl's Best Friend, by Lindsey Kelk

A festive treat from the author of the bestselling I HEART series

First Tess was a girl with a plan.

Then she was a girl with a dream.

Now she’s a girl who’s come back to earth with a bump.

When the opportunity arises to join her best friend, Amy, in New York for Christmas, Tess jumps at the chance. The only fly in ointment is that Nick, the man who broke her heart, lives there. And Charlie, the man she turned down, has just started talking to her again. And she has just four days to take a photo for a competition that could save her career.

But aside from that, everything is going to be great: it’ll be the best Christmas ever. Won’t it?

  • Sales Rank: #4808854 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-11-05
  • Format: International Edition
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 4.45" h x 1.06" w x 10.79" l, .73 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 400 pages


‘Hilarious’ Daily Express

About the Author

Lindsey Kelk was a children’s book editor before writing her first novel, I Heart New York, which has been sold to over 20 territories. Originally from the UK, she now lives in Los Angeles and writes full-time. The author of ten novels, she is a prolific tweeter with an army of dedicated followers on social media and a keen blog following.

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Great book that makes you laugh.
By Liv
I'm a huge fan of Lindsey Kelk and her books and as much as I liked this book I am a bit disappointed that Nick wasn't more involved in this book than in the others. *sulk*

As the book title already tells us, this book is a lot about a girl’s best friend but also about friendship altogether. Tess is lucky to have not only a best friend she can count on all the time but also a few other friends which have her back in time needed.
I really liked to see Tess being supported by her friends when she wasn't sure about what's going on with her life at the moment.
When Tess lost her job, her world got turned upside down. Without purpose in life, she didn't know who she was anymore and what she wanted to do with her life. And when she began to work as a photographer which was her dream job, she worked against all odds and tried not to listen to others who wanted to talk her out of it and told her that she wasn't good enough and that she would just throw away her life. Now she doesn’t really know what to do since photography is what she loves but without bookings there is no money. When Charlie offers her a high-paid position in his advertising company Tess is torn between the job she knows by heart and the security that comes within because of her knowledge and long-time experience and her new job she really loves and wants to continue but having no idea if it will work out any longer.

In the end Tess stayed true to herself and fought hard for the things she enjoyed and wanted in life.

I enjoyed reading about all her ups and downs and all the problems Tess had to struggle with – friendship, love, trust (in yourself and in others), hard work, expectations (of oneself and from others), not being afraid of doing the things we want to do and are happy in doing instead of just doing the things we should do or others expect us to do. =P

Lucky for Tess, she is rich in friendship because she has some amazing friends which always have her back and stay at her side no matter what.
With some good advices about life and a lot of funny and hilarious parts this book made me think about my life and if what I do for a living is making me happy.
This book made me reflect a lot of things and rethink some decisions. I really loved all the characters – Tess, Al, Kekipi, Amy, Nick, Charlie, Paige. I was happy that Angela and Jenny joined in on the fun as well. Like I mentioned before, I was a bit sad that Nick didn't play a bigger part in this book but it was a great book nonetheless.

Oh and let me tell you that I absolutely loved the ending. I LOVED the letters, the article and the note. *melt* *Big Heart*

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Review: 'A Girl's Best Friend' by Lindsey Kelk
By Jody - "A Spoonful of Happy Endings"
It seems like nothing in Tess' life is going right at the moment. After having a great time in fabulous places such as Hawaii and Milan, she's back in grey and rainy London, and all alone. So, when her best friend Amy tells her to book a ticket to come and see her in New York, Tess knows she has no other choice but to get on that plane to find some excitement in her life. Spending the festive season in the Big Apple is of course already quite special, but Tess soon manages to find other opportunities to make her time in the USA count and start working on her dream of becoming a photographer. But when she is suddenly given a great chance to prove just what she can do and the love of her life makes a surprise appearance, the stakes are suddenly pretty high and Tess realises this trip might be more life-changing than she originally expected it to be...

Another great romantic comedy read by Lindsey Kelk; I'm really starting to think this woman will never be able to disappoint me with her novels! 'A Girl's Best Friend' is another fantastic instalment of the 'Girl' series, with the same great characters, a captivating storyline, and Lindsey Kelk's funny distinctive writing style. Tess is a relatable heroine, trying to follow her dreams but meeting a lot of obstacles along the way. I can honestly say I've never come across a character like Amy, Tess' best friend, before, but she just cracks me up and the friendship between her and Tess is just great.

All the other characters really make the story even better, such as Al and Kekipi, and I personally loved the fact that some familiar faces from the 'I Heart...' series made an appearance in this book. Because of this reason, I also think this novel is definitely the most fun to read if you're familiar with the author's other novels, especially the earlier parts of this series. However, the book can be read as a stand-alone as well, I just wouldn't recommend it. The book is promoted as a Christmas read, but I personally thought it wasn't that Christmassy, not as much as I had hoped it would be. Overall, though, 'A Girl's Best Friend' is another sparkling, fun and fresh read from brilliant chick lit author Lindsey Kelk; I loved it!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
By Simona Elena
I was really excited when this book landed on my doorstep. I loved both About A Girl and What A Girl Wants, the first two books of this series and if you have read my reviews oft hem, you know why I am excited.

We are still with the lovely Tess and let me tell you one thing: She is just so much fun to follow around!!!
She gets the opportunity to join her best friend Amy in New York over Christmas. I loved getting a better insight into their friendship. Of course the rest oft he gang is there as well: Al, Kekipi etc. They are an amazing group of people and very entertaining ;)

Tess is determined to finally making it as a photographer, even if it proves to be really hard. She wants to enter a photo competition at a gallery and works hard for it.
New York also means to city of Angela, Alex and Jenny. Remember them from the iHeart series?! Of course you do, who wouldn’t! We get the pleasure of having both Jenny and Angela as part of this story, which is just awesome! Thanks Lindsey ;)

Now back to Tess and her men! So after all what happened with Charlie in the past two books, they are not talking to each other. Can they get back to their old friendship?! And then there is Nick and yes I’m still #TeamNick, I think I even started to like him more in this book. He ended things with Tess in Milan and now she hasn’t heard from him in a few months, the thing though: He lives in New York. I was actually just waiting fort hem to see each other again and they way that turned out was a bit surprising for me, but it definitely made the whole story even more entertaining and fun. Towards the end we find out what is behind it all and what actually happened in the months they didn’t talk, just awwwww!

This book is just absolutely FABULOUS!!!! I have to say I kind of liked About A Girl and What A Girl Wants a bit more, but this one is still awesome! Lindsey’s writing style is very unique and makes you feel like being part of a movie. She has a real talent to engage a reader and put together a gripping storyline. I don’t want to leave this story, I need more of Tess and Nick!!!

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Minggu, 12 Juli 2015

~~ Free PDF Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of his Time, by Dava Sobel

Free PDF Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of his Time, by Dava Sobel

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Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of his Time, by Dava Sobel

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Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of his Time, by Dava Sobel

  • Sales Rank: #698349 in Books
  • Published on: 2011
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: .0" h x .0" w x .0" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback

Most helpful customer reviews

171 of 182 people found the following review helpful.
Excellent read that improves on the original
By A Customer
Having bought and read "Longitude", the only lightly illustrated original hardback version, I wanted to know more about how the actual clocks worked, and I wanted to see them, without making a trans-Atlantic pilgrimage to Greenwich.
Hence, when I saw an illustrated version of "Longitude", I had to buy it. This book contains the original text, with no additions, except for the illustrations. The photographs are beautifully done, as is the printing.
My only hesitation in not awarding the book five stars is that I was hoping for one of two things; either an illustrated version of the original, with a couple of pictures of each chronometer, at a reasonable price, or a more detailed illustrated version, with more information on how the chronometers actually work. What we ended up with is a compromise. Beautiful pictures of the chronometers, but little extra detail of Harrison's marvelous inventions.
Still, an improvement on the original, which is an excellent book, one I have read several times. Highly recommended.
By the way, when I purchased this book, I donated my original version to the library.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Great book for watch enthusiasts.
By Watchguy
I enjoyed this as a mechanical watch enthusiast. I assumed this would be more about seafaring and the nautical themes of Longitude, but it was based around the creation of the first modern mechanical clocks, which amateur horologists like myself can appreciate as the shrunken version sits on my wrist ever day. It was an easy summer read. If you have an appreciation for watches or timekeeping, this is a must read. Also good bits of history, although there is quite a bit of jumping around.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
I loved this book because I enjoy Horology and it's impact ...
By IT Pro Dad
I loved this book because I enjoy Horology and it's impact on the world in which we live today. This book covers this history but also the politics surrounding innovation. I wished it would have gone more into the constructions on the watches. Regardless, it is a great historical recollection in story form. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in navigation, horology or history in general. Very interesting.

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~~ Free PDF Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of his Time, by Dava Sobel Doc

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Paul Temple Intervenes (A Paul Temple Mystery), by Francis Durbridge

Sir Graham Forbes of Scotland Yard often calls upon Paul Temple to help with his latest unfathomable case…

In a small country lane, the well-known American, Myron Harwood, is found dead. The murder heralds the start of a spate of celebrity deaths – and each time the victim is found with a small white piece of cardboard, bearing the inscription ‘The Marquis’.

When a woman is pulled from the river with the same note attached to her dress, Paul Temple sends a note to Sir Graham Forbes. His message reads: ‘is it true what they say about Rita?’ Rita Cartwright was a private detective hired to investigate the Marquis murders – and now she is the eighth victim. The police are baffled and the Home Secretary is calling for Paul Temple to intervene…

  • Published on: 2015-08-13
  • Released on: 2015-09-29
  • Format: International Edition
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 7.83" h x .71" w x 5.16" l, .39 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 230 pages


‘Francis Durbridge, made [Paul and Steve’s] adventures utterly enchanting within that shivering threadbare postwar reality.’–The Telegraph

‘A classy period piece, all clipped accents, glamour and a smoking and drinking count to rival Mad Men. Great fun and surprisingly gripping.’ –The Guardian

About the Author

Francis Henry Durbridge was born 25th November 1912 in Hull, England. He was educated at Bradford Grammar School, where he was encouraged to write by his English teacher. He continued to do so while studying English at Birmingham University. After graduating in 1933, he worked for a short time as a stockbroker's clerk before selling a radio play, Promotion, to the BBC at the age of 21.

In 1938, Durbridge created the character Paul Temple, a crime novelist and detective. With Steve Trent, a Fleet Street journalist and later his wife, Temple solved numerous crimes in the glamorous world of the leisured middle classes, first on radio, then in films and, from 1969 to 1971, in a television series. In addition to the Paul Temple series, Durbridge wrote other mysteries for radio and television, many of which were also produced for German and Italian television and radio.
Durbridge also forged a successful career as a writer for the stage with seven plays, the last of which, Sweet Revenge, was written in 1991. He also wrote 43 novels, many of which were adapted from his scripts, sometimes with the help of others.

Durbridge married Norah Lawley in 1940, they had two sons. He died at his home in Barnes, aged 85 on 11th April 1998.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
I liked Paul Temple better when the lead actors were Peter ...
By Pudsey Dabble
Must have been written before Francis Durbridge really got into his stride. I liked Paul Temple better when the lead actors were Peter Coke and Marjory Westbury, throwbacks to my childhood. Now you know how old I am.

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Jumat, 10 Juli 2015

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PDF Ebook The Death Box (Carson Ryder, Book 10), by J. A. Kerley

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The Death Box (Carson Ryder, Book 10), by J. A. Kerley

The Death Box (Carson Ryder, Book 10), by J. A. Kerley

The Death Box (Carson Ryder, Book 10), by J. A. Kerley

PDF Ebook The Death Box (Carson Ryder, Book 10), by J. A. Kerley

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The Death Box (Carson Ryder, Book 10), by J. A. Kerley

Detective Carson Ryder faces his most terrifying adversary yet in this nail-biting thriller from the author of Her Last Scream.

Carson Ryder thought he’d seen everything …

A specialist in twisted crimes, Detective Carson Ryder thought he’d seen the lowest depths of human depravity. But he’s barely started his new job in Miami when called to a horrific scene: a concrete pillar built of human remains, their agony forever frozen in stone.

Finding the secret of the pillar drags him into the sordid world of human trafficking, where one terrified girl holds the key to unraveling a web of pain, prostitution and murder. There’s just one problem: Ryder’s not the only one chasing the girl.

And the others will kill to keep the secret safe.

  • Sales Rank: #415395 in Books
  • Published on: 2013-12-05
  • Released on: 2014-11-18
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 7.75" h x 5.00" w x 1.25" l, .62 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 400 pages


Praise for the Carson Ryder series:

'Kerley will truly scare the pants off his readers. This one's another winner from a writer moving towards the top of the thriller heap' Publishers Weekly

'A fascinating and frightening take on the genre' Independent on Sunday

'A chilling journey into a pitch-black mind' Michael Marshall, author of The Straw Men trilogy

About the Author

Jack Kerley spent years as an advertising agency writer and producer before his wife demanded he quit work and write a novel, which he thought a fine idea. The result was The Hundredth Man, the first in the Carson Ryder series. An avid angler, canoeist and hiker, Kerley has traveled extensively throughout the South, especially coastal regions such as Mobile, Alabama, the setting for many of his novels, and the Florida Keys. He has a cabin in the Kentucky mountains, which appeared as a setting in Buried Alive. He lives in Newport, Kentucky, where he enjoys sitting on the levee and watching the barges rumble up and down the Ohio River.

Most helpful customer reviews

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Now that's a Carson Ryder at his Best!
By Miki101.Michaela :0)))
Carson Ryder has left his old playgrounds in Alabama and - sorry for that one - Harry Nautilus behind and faces new challenges on the sunny beaches of Florida's panhandle...

At a special Miami-based force he is the new one, the one no one seems to know or to achnowledge his former efforts to bring the bad boys, especially serial killers, down.
Here, as a specialist in twisted crimes, Ryder thought he’d seen even the lowest levels of human depravity. But then he is called to a horrific scene: a concrete pillar built of human remains, their agony forever frozen in stone...
The reader - as Carson - is caught in a maze of human traffikkers who operate in Miami but have their web all over the States. In the meantime, while Carson and the CSI are trying to work the mess of the concrete deads out, a young Honduran girl is trying to keep her dignity and her liberty, but soon it will come clear to her that her life is on the stake, nothing less!
So Carson is trying to save her, a ticking time bomb for the bad guys, but the key person to Ryder's riddle...

Ziggy Gerswhin as the new sidekick of Carson is even too smart and well done for a second in command. I hope to read more about him. It is him who introduces Carson Ryder to a few very helpful friends, has a lot of fresh ideas and - as all the rookies - is trying to get himself killed :)
The bad boys are almost incredibly creepy. They hide themselves so well, it is a lot of work to unearth them. Like worms in the underground they have some kind of honeycomb system which is very hard to detect and to remove...

A cameo of Jeremy this time, too. I hope to see more of him in the future.
Because I will always follow Jack Kerley, because even a weak Carson Ryder novel is better than many so-called first-class thrillers.
It's the special way Jack Kerley breaths life into his characters and is also able to take this very one from them.
Highly recommended for those who love their thrillers off the beaten paths, like me :)

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Another awesome Carson Ryder Book.
By Paula L. Phillips
One of my favourite crime authors is J.A Kerley , ever since I read my first Carson Ryder book "The Hundreth Man" I have been hooked with his adventures and of course Jeremy's.
At the end of the last book, we read as Carson retired from the force leaving behind his old life and partner Harry Nautilus and his dog Old Mix. He packed up everything he had and drove off into the sunset or in this case Miami where he was to work in a new job. Cruisy is what Carson was hoping for, but instead he got his specialty of mixed-up psychopaths and serial killers as the week before he starts , the department in Miami unearth a grave site of bodies all dumped and buried in cement. What type of killer has Carson unearthed and why these bodies ? Turns out that Miami is home to human trafficking people from Honduras and it seems that these two cases are connected ? Can Carson catch who is doing this before more people are killed and dumped in what becomes nicknamed "The Death Box" or is this goodbye to Carson as he ends up close to ending up in "The Death Box" himself ? For those fans of J.A Kerley and Carson's brother Jeremy - do not fear as he makes an appearance near the end of the book in his fabulous Doctor disguise :)
Another awesome book by J.A Kerley which fans of Crime and Murder Mystery Thrillers will enjoy.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
J.A. Kerley is one of my favourite writers
By Amazon Customer
I love everything J.A. Kerley has written to date and always buy his books immediately when available. I love the characters, but missed Jeremy in this one, hope he will have a more pivotal role in the next one! Still a very good read.

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Kamis, 09 Juli 2015

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Magnetic Resonance Imaging Clinics of North America - Cardiac MR Imaging (May 1996), by Lawrence Boxt

  • Sales Rank: #16426287 in Books
  • Published on: 1996
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 438 pages

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